Venture Center conducts half-day and one-day immersion programs on request. This program is meant to help leadership of organizations and senior administrators to understand and learn about incubators in sufficient detail to be able to take decisions.
Features of this program:
- The target audience for this program: Senior leadership/ top-level managers/ administrators of organizations; Vice-Chancellors; Directors; Heads of Departments; Faculty In-charge for Incubation/ IP/TT/ Industrial Liaison etc
- Typical content
Modes of immersion programs | Illustrative Program Features |
Half‐a day one‐on‐one immersion program | A. Tour and overview of Venture Center B. Discussion on what will be the incubator model for you ,
Full day one‐on‐one immersion program | A. Tour and overview of Venture Center B. Discussion on what will be the incubator model for you ,
C. Topics choice out of:
Open to all
Terms and conditions:
- The incubation team has slotted a maximum of 12 days a year for this activity. Interested persons can apply for an immersion visit using the online form below. Usually, service is on a First-Come-First Serve basis.
- The immersion program will be conducted for maximum of two persons per organization at a time. Any additional person interested to attend the program will be separately charged.
- Photography of incubatee offices and labs is not allowed.
- Visitors are expected to respect the privacy of incubatee companies.
Fees and payment terms:
- Non-profit academic and R&D organizations:
- Half a day immersion program: Rs 5000/-
- Full day immersion program: Rs 10,000/-
- Additional person (beyond two people)/organization,
- for half day immersion: Rs 1500/- per person
- for full day immersion: Rs 2500/- per person
- Industry related entities (both for profit and non-profit): Ask for quote
- Individuals: Ask for quote
- Advance payments only.
Discounts and special announcements:
Venture Center shall be offering the Immersion Program at 100% discount for three BIRAC nominees/ year during the duration 1 April 2018-31 March 2021. This will be for organizations planning to set up and operate a BioIncubator under BIRAC’s BioNest program or allied programs.
Getting started:
- Fill up the online form
- We usually respond within 2 days with availability and possible dates. Dates are firmed up over a phone conversation.
- Make payments, as applicable
- Dates are confirmed over email.
- Please visit Venture Center at the allotted date and time.
Beneficiaries of this program:
One on one immersion program-
- Technical Research Centre, S. N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences,Kolkata
- CSIR-IITR, Lucknow
- Supported IITR for securing grant for setting up bio-incubator under BIRAC-BioNEST scheme.
Contact person for this program:
Soma Chattopadhyay
Manager Incubator
Venture Center
100, NCL Innovation Park
NCL Campus, Pashan
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune – 411008
Phone: 020-2586-5877